
Hi there, I'm Bishal Neupane. I'm 21 y/o and going to university. I like pumping irons and building things. I enjoy learning new things and web development.

Right now I'm building an analytics service, writing blog posts and going to the gym regularly.



Threadgenie is a service that helps you create threads on twitter. I built this service because I wanted to create threads on twitter but I didn&apost want to use any third party services. I also wanted to learn how to build a service from scratch.

Persona palette

Generate persona for your next application. Built using nextjs, tailwindcss, typescript and stable diffusion api.


Lets you sync your time with anyone’s time in the world with a click of a button. Built using nextjs, tailwindcss, typescript and luxon.


Lets sing and share your favorite songs with your friends. Built using nextjs and chakra-ui


I write about things that I discover daily

Set up nextjs app

January 2, 2023

Deploying Next.js Apps

January 2, 2023

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Collection of articles that are related to each other

Creating amazing portfolios with Next.js

3 posts,In Progress 🏗️

Creating booring portfolios with Next.js

3 posts,In Progress 🏗️

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